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Your Vienna Airport Team

Fire Brigade Tour

Start: VISITOR WORLD terminal 

Duration: approx. 120 minutes

We kindly ask you to arrive at the Visitor World terminal 30 minutes before departure.

Visit one of the most modern fire stations in Austria and learn more about the special tasks of the airport fire brigade on site. Experience the vehicles with up to 1000 hp and find out why the airport fire brigade has a mobile operations centre and even a boat.

The day ticket for the adventure room and the visitors' terrace is included in the price.


Adults € 27,-
Children from 1-16 years € 18,-
Family card (max. 2 EW + 2 AI) € 76-

Landing under observation

Want to know more about the Vienna Airport Fire Brigade? The Kronen Zeitung has published a great report on our fire brigade. What tasks an airport fire brigade has, how it is equipped and how it trains for emergencies can be read here:

Dates in MarchAprilMay

There are currently no dates for the selected tour.