Dialogue with the surrounding area
Neighbourhood Advisory Council - exchange with residents has tradition
Flughafen Wien AG founded a Neighbourhood Advisory Board in 1989 to promote dialogue and exchange with neighbouring communities. The Neighbourhood Advisory Board meets up to four times a year and is made up of the FWAG Management Board as well as the incumbent mayors or district heads of Schwechat, Fischamend, Kleinneusiedl, Enzersdorf a.d. Fischa, Schwadorf, Großenzersdorf and Rauchenwarth, Zwölfaxing and Himberg as well as the districts of Donaustadt and Simmering.
The Neighbourhood Advisory Board was founded in 1989 to promote dialogue and exchange with neighbouring communities.Dialogue Forum
Since the end of the mediation process for the 3rd runway, the Dialogforum Flughafen Wien has played a key role in the dialogue with local residents. This is a non-profit association which, as an information and communication platform, continues the dialogue begun in the mediation procedure for 120 municipalities, the provinces of Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland as well as the citizens' initiatives. Around two million people can participate in the discussion through representatives. The Vienna Airport mediation procedure and the Vienna Airport Dialogue Forum association are internationally regarded as a best-practice example of an open, fair and transparent citizen participation procedure.
The Dialogue Forum monitors compliance with the agreements concluded in the mediation process and deals with topics, questions and conflicts that arise from the development of air traffic and the expansion of the airport. Among other things, the location of a possible third runway, restrictions on night flights, caps on noise pollution, an environmental fund and a noise protection programme were agreed in the mediation contract. The dialogue forum negotiates all measures and ideas that contribute to keeping air traffic pollution as low as possible.
Roman Carnuntum
Vienna International Airport is located in the middle of the development axis between the two provincial capitals of Vienna and Bratislava. The intensive cooperation between Flughafen Wien AG and 27 municipalities and companies in the "LEADER Region Römerland Carnuntum" makes it possible to use the potential of this attractive region for a further economic and cultural upswing in a sustainable way. Forward-looking and innovative ideas are developed, which lead to sustainable projects. For example, the mobility concept in this region is being improved and the multifunctionality of rural areas is being utilised.The aim is to involve all relevant development forces and development areas so that the invaluable natural and cultural treasures and the exemplary character in terms of "renewable energy" can be used effectively. Projects are to be implemented in various functional and economic areas to promote sustainable regional development, to secure and improve local and regional economic cycles, and to raise awareness and qualifications.
Noise protection programme for local residents
Protecting the health and improving the quality of life of people living close to the airport is the goal of the Noise Protection Programme of Flughafen Wien AG.
If the continuous noise level exceeds 54 dB during the day and 45 dB at night, the airport pays 50 to 100 per cent of the costs for the installation of noise protection windows and doors, among other things. Under certain conditions, the construction of conservatories is also subsidised.
At the instigation of ARGE Bürgerinitiativen in the Dialogforum Flughafen Wien and the mayors of the neighbouring communities, the noise protection programme was again considerably expanded in November 2007. The noise protection programme was considerably extended in November 2007 to include those affected by the future three-runway system, who can expect relief from noise pollution, but who will continue to be significantly affected by the two-runway system until then. The costs for this expansion of the noise protection programme are borne by the environmental fund endowed by Flughafen Wien AG.
With the noise protection programme, Flughafen Wien AG is significantly undercutting the legally prescribed limits. According to the Federal Environmental Noise Protection Ordinance, threshold values for the preparation of action plans are only envisaged, for example, at night when the continuous noise level exceeds 55 dB; in the airport's noise protection programme, threshold values already exceed 45 dB.