Report and consequence
Reporting is a core element of an active security culture. It allows dangers to be identified and remedied or mitigated. The focus is on consistent prevention of security-relevant incidents – by direct action in exceptional cases – that could potentially be caused by external actors or by internal personnel, called “insider threats”.
All airport staff and aviation employees working at the airport and the persons working outside of the airport grounds, for example making deliveries, are likely to notice a potential threat first. The advantage of early detection of non-acute dangers has also been recognised at the EU level.
Directive (EU) 2019/1937 (the Whistleblower Directive) requires the introduction of internal reporting channels for companies with 50 or more employees, regardless of their business activity. The Directive defines uniform standards for the reporting of misconduct and for the protection of the whistleblowers in all EU Member States.
You have the following options:
A face-to-face conversation with your supervisors, work’s council representatives, security officers, or security advisors
A direct report to
Of course, you can also submit a report together with your supervisor, a security advisor, a security officer, or a work’s council representative.
Recognition and reporting is just the first step in a larger process, and the person submitting the report will not be made responsible for the actions of and possible consequences for an involved person. The reporting person may have contributed to recognising a potential threat for employees, customers, and cooperation partners of the airport and minimising the resulting dangers.