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Flughafen Wien AG: Christoph Herbst to resign from the Supervisory Board and Management Board as of 31 August 2011
Christoph Herbst, chairman of the Management Board of Flughafen Wien AG, today informed the Supervisory Board that he will resign as the chairman of the Supervisory Board (function currently suspended) and therefore also from the Management Board of Flughafen Wien AG. His resignation will take effect on 31 August 2011 or, if a shareholders meeting is called before this date, at the end of this meeting. This decision is the result of an expected professional change and the intention to avoid any possible related incompatibility of functions. At this time Mr. Herbst will also resign from all functions at Flughafen Wien.
Ewald Kirschner, first vice-chairman of the Supervisory Board, is currently serving as the interim chairman of this body. The process to select a new Management Board team for Flughafen Wien is currently in progress.
For additional information contact: Flughafen Wien AG Press Office
Peter Kleemann (+43-1-) 7007-23000
Clemens Schleinzer (+43-1-) 7007-22399
Birgit Fehsler (+43-1-) 7007-22254