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Vienna Airport: Rental agreement with Austrian Airlines extended at least until 2035 following purchase of the real estate company Raiffeisen Hermione by a Flughafen Wien AG subsidiary – Airport received advance rent payment totaling about € 79.8 million – Start of new real estate development project
Following the purchase of the real estate company Raiffeisen Hermione Immobilien GesmbH by a subsidiary of Flughafen Wien AG in December 2015, a new rental agreement for the main commercial properties required by Austrian Airlines for its flight operations was drawn up. This mainly involves hangars, flight operations buildings and workshops. Austrian Airlines made an advance rent payment to Flughafen Wien AG to the amount of € 79.8 million.
Furthermore, within the context of the transaction, Flughafen Wien AG repurchased unrestricted ownership rights to properties of more than 25,000 m² in the core areas required for flight operations. In turn, this will serve as the basis for the start of a future real estate development project within a short time. 
Corporate Communications of Flughafen Wien AG               
Press Office:                                                                Investor Relations:
Peter Kleemann (+43-1-) 7007-23000                             Judit Helenyi (+43-1-)7007-23126
Clemens Schleinzer (+43-1-) 7007-22399                        Mario Santi (+43-1-) 7007-22826
Stefanie Tomanek (+43-1-) 7007-26939