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Ad hoc press release / Flughafen Wien AG:
Flughafen Wien AG stops share buy-back programme ahead of plan
Vienna, Austria, 29 May 2020 – Flughafen Wien AG intends to apply for grants for fixed costs from the Corona aid fund of the Austrian Government. One of the conditions for this as stipulated in the guidelines is that the applying company is not allowed to buy back shares at the same time. Therefore, the Board of Flughafen Wien AG feels impelled to stop the running share buy-back programme ahead of plan. Hence the Board of Flughafen Wien AG has decided on 29.5.2020 to stop the share buy-back programme, that has been running since 4.11.2019 and is limited until the end of June, ahead of plan. The share buy-back programme is based on the authorisation granted at the Annual General Meeting of Flughafen Wien AG held on 3.5.2019. This release is published according to Section 6 of the Austrian Publication Regulation 2018 (VeröffentlichungsV). The authorisation of the Annual General Meeting of Flughafen Wien AG held on 3.5.2019 remains valid.
According to Section 7 Para. 4 Austrian Publication Regulation 2018, the following information according to Section 7 Para. 2 Austrian Publication Regulation 2018 is published:
In the period from 4.11.2019 until 29.5.2020 a total of 125,410 bearer shares (ISIN: AT00000VIE62) of the company were purchased for a total purchasing price of EUR 4,536,021.52. The weighted average equivalent value per share therefore is EUR 36.1695. The highest and lowest equivalent value per share paid during the share buy-back programme was EUR 38.00 and EUR 30.00. During the share buy-back programme an amount of 0.0011% of all voting shares was purchased on average on each trading day.
As at 29.5.2020 Flughafen Wien AG in total holds 125,410 own shares. With a total amount of 84,000,000 issued voting shares, this equals 0.1493% of voting shares.
The transaction details of the share buy-back programme that need to be published according to Section 7 Austrian Publication Regulation 2018 and all changes to the share buy-back programme that need to be published according to Section 6 Austrian Publication Regulation 2018 are published on the website of Flughafen Wien AG ( and
Information published by:
Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft
1300 Vienna Airport, Vienna

Contact: Corporate Communications Flughafen Wien AG               
Press Office                                                              
Peter Kleemann, Company Spokesman                       
Tel.: (+43-1-) 7007-23000                                            

Investor Relations
Christian Schmidt
Tel.: (+43-1-) 7007-23126

| IR news
Ad hoc press release / Flughafen Wien AG:
Flughafen Wien AG stops share buy-back programme ahead of plan
Vienna, Austria, 29 May 2020 – Flughafen Wien AG intends to apply for grants for fixed costs from the Corona aid fund of the Austrian Government. One of the conditions for this as stipulated in the guidelines is that the applying company is not allowed to buy back shares at the same time. Therefore, the Board of Flughafen Wien AG feels impelled to stop the running share buy-back programme ahead of plan. Hence the Board of Flughafen Wien AG has decided on 29.5.2020 to stop the share buy-back programme, that has been running since 4.11.2019 and is limited until the end of June, ahead of plan. The share buy-back programme is based on the authorisation granted at the Annual General Meeting of Flughafen Wien AG held on 3.5.2019. This release is published according to Section 6 of the Austrian Publication Regulation 2018 (VeröffentlichungsV). The authorisation of the Annual General Meeting of Flughafen Wien AG held on 3.5.2019 remains valid.
According to Section 7 Para. 4 Austrian Publication Regulation 2018, the following information according to Section 7 Para. 2 Austrian Publication Regulation 2018 is published:
In the period from 4.11.2019 until 29.5.2020 a total of 125,410 bearer shares (ISIN: AT00000VIE62) of the company were purchased for a total purchasing price of EUR 4,536,021.52. The weighted average equivalent value per share therefore is EUR 36.1695. The highest and lowest equivalent value per share paid during the share buy-back programme was EUR 38.00 and EUR 30.00. During the share buy-back programme an amount of 0.0011% of all voting shares was purchased on average on each trading day.
As at 29.5.2020 Flughafen Wien AG in total holds 125,410 own shares. With a total amount of 84,000,000 issued voting shares, this equals 0.1493% of voting shares.
The transaction details of the share buy-back programme that need to be published according to Section 7 Austrian Publication Regulation 2018 and all changes to the share buy-back programme that need to be published according to Section 6 Austrian Publication Regulation 2018 are published on the website of Flughafen Wien AG ( and
Information published by:
Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft
1300 Vienna Airport, Vienna

Contact: Corporate Communications Flughafen Wien AG               
Press Office                                                              
Peter Kleemann, Company Spokesman                       
Tel.: (+43-1-) 7007-23000                                            

Investor Relations
Christian Schmidt
Tel.: (+43-1-) 7007-23126