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EQS-Adhoc: Flughafen Wien AG / Update of Guidance 2022

Disclosure of inside information pursuant to Article 17 Market Abuse Regulation (MAR)

Updated Guidance 2022

Traffic development in the full year 2022 will improve to 29 million passengers for the Flughafen Wien Group (previously: 28 million passengers) and to 23 million passengers for Vienna Airport (previously: 22 million passengers) compared to the guidance of 13 June 2022. This results in a further improvement of the net result to a figure of at least € 115 million (previously: at least € 100 million) compared to the guidance of 2 August 2022.
Based on this positive development of the result, the dividend guidance is confirmed that the Management Board plans to propose to the annual general meeting for the business year 2022 a dividend of at least 60% of the net profit for the period after non-controlling interests.
The updated values are based on the assumption that no pandemic related lockdowns or major traffic restrictions will occur in autumn and winter. The today incalculable further development of the war in Ukraine and its consequences for aviation remain an additional factor of uncertainty.
Information published by:
Flughafen Wien Aktiengesellschaft
1300 Vienna Airport, Vienna
Contact: Corporate Communications Flughafen Wien AG
Christian Schmidt
Head of Investor Relations
Flughafen Wien AG
Tel.: +43 1 7007/23126
Press Office
Peter Kleemann, Company Spokesman
Tel.: (+43-1-) 7007-23000
Flughafen Wien AG
1300 Vienna Airport, Vienna
phone:        +43 1 7007 - 23126
FAX:          +43 1 7007 - 23806
ISIN:         AT00000VIE62