Dear User

Microsoft no longer supports your version of the Internet browser and no longer provides it with security updates. As a result, it is also no longer possible to use modern web technologies that are required for the Vienna Airport website you are accessing.

If you want to use this page correctly and with full functionality, please switch to a current version of your Internet browser.

If you are using Internet Explorer 10 or higher and receive this message, please deactivate the compatibility mode for our site.

Yours sincerely,

Your Vienna Airport Team

Lost property & baggage

Have you lost something at the airport or has your baggage not arrived? We will help you to find your property as quickly as possible. Please select the appropriate option:

Lost property

If you lose property

  • in the terminals,
  • on the premises (e.g. in the car parks),
  • in the aircraft after landing at Vienna Airport (e.g. hand luggage, umbrella, etc.)
  • or in the CAT

you have lost, please file a report online immediately.

Checked baggage not received

If your checked baggage has not been received, please contact the relevant company that handles baggage processing.